Not only webmail - The e-mail client on the Internet for PC, Smartphone and mobile phone
- MyConkret basis
1,29 Euro/month
- MyConkret limited
1,99 Euro/month
- MyConkret unlimited
3,99 Euro/month
Conkret Login for very slow
Internet access

You have several email addresses at various ISPs? No problem, with Conkret Web@Mail, you can control your entire mail traffic central. Conkret Webmail
is provider-independent and works as a local mail program with POP3 and IMAP without slow collecting services.
Conkret does not offer you a free e-mail address financed by advertisements but a service for your existing addresses.
Read and organize your business emails at home or answer your private mails at your workplace!
Make use of IMAP, the modern standard for e-mail, then your in- and outbox at home and at Conkret will be identical!
Conkret Web@Mail is fully compatible with almost all ISPs: AOL, Arcor, 1und1, Compuserve, ePlus, Freenet, Ginko, GMX, Google Mail, Hotmail Plus, Strato.
T-Online, Versatel, Vodafone,, Yahoo ...
But most other vendors are supported directly by Conkret.
Conkret Web@Mail works device independent and supports all modern browsers and modern smartphones!
Use all the features of your mailboxes mobile and independent from the manufacturer.
As a modern cloud-computing application conkret Webmail works even with very large mail quickly and resource gently on your mobile device.
With an integrated document viewer, you have also on the road access to the popular Office formats, music and videos - regardless of the device.
An integrated document viewer and converter directly displays the attachments of your emails.
You need no external software to look at your Office files, images, music or videos. So you always have immediate access to the attachments of your mails.
With the possibility of converting your documents to PDF or RTF (text documents), MP3 (music) or MPEG (video), you remain flexible at all times.
Conkret Web@Mail is and will remain free of advertising and therefore very clear.
Only in our free service there are tips concerning our own interests.
Furthermore the total lack of advertising is an important aspect of data protection, as no data is given to third parties – advertising is particularly interested in user profiles.
Conkret Web@Mail works without software installation on any Internet-enabled computer and smartphone.
You dont't need to install any software and with the advantage of its integrated document viewer you have direct access to the attachments of your mails. So you stay flexibel even on the move!
Conkret supports both IMAP and POP3, so you can fully manage any mailboxes.
Your mails are retrieved automatically every five minutes and the inbox actualized. Thus you get your new mails immediately.
Without the use of slow collection services, the management of multiple mailboxes is comfortably possible.
Conkret can be used in 28 languages.
In addition Conkret supports all languages in your mail, because all international character sets are implemented.
The internationalization of outgoing messages is done automatically by the use of Unicode (UTF-8).
All messages and all attachments are checked for known viruses, worms, trojans etc. Malicious code is disabled so you can read all your mails
Incoming spam can be deleted automaticaly by a multi-stage spam filter which will take individual preferences and exemptions on a Black- and Whitelist into account.
Conkret does not create any user profiles to use for advertising purposes.
There is no automatic, half-automatic or manual filtering or evaluation of your mails for advertising purposes as is customary at other mail providers (e.g. automized at Google Mail, Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail).
Conkret does not pass on any data to third parties!
For the protection of your privacy Conkret blocks data like pictures externally linked to mails.
Forget the restrictions of other Webmail providers. The maximum mail size of incoming or outgoing mails is 100MB.
The number of messages and the size of your mailbox is not limited by Conkret, but depends on the restrictions of your provider.
Conkret services!
Online Mail for any mailboxes, worldwide access to your mail via browser or smart phone without additional software Direct display of your attachments and much more.
Learn about our services and
test MyConkret unlimited
30 days for free !
• Provider-Independent
You have several e-mail
addresses at various providers? No problem, with Conkret you can control
your complete mailing centrally. Conkret webmail is provider-independent
and works like your local mail client. Conkret does not offer you a free
e-mail address financed by advertisements but a service for your existing
Read and organize your business emails at home or answer your private mails
at your workplace!
Make use of IMAP, the modern standard for e-mail, then your in- and outbox
at home and at Conkret will be identical!
• IMAP and POP3 compliant
Conkret supports both IMAP and POP3, so you can fully manage any mailboxes.
• integrated document viewer - view your documents online
An integrated document viewer and converter
directly displays the attachments of your emails.
You need no external software to look at your Office files, images, music or videos.
So you always have immediate access to the attachments of your mails.
With the possibility of converting your documents to PDF or RTF (text documents), MP3 (music)
or MPEG (video), you remain flexible at all times.
The following files are supported:
• doc / dot |
- Microsoft Word |
• docx / dotx |
- Microsoft Word 2007 |
• xls / xlt |
- Microsoft Excel |
• xlsx / xltx |
- Microsoft Excel 2007 |
• ppt / pps |
- Microsoft PowerPoint |
• pptx / ppsx |
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 |
• odt |
- OpenDocument Text |
• ods |
- OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
• odp |
- OpenDocument Presentation |
• odg |
- OpenDocument Graphics |
• odc |
- OpenDocument Chart |
• odf |
- OpenDocument Formel |
• odi |
- OpenDocument Image |
• sxw |
- OpenOffice Writer |
• sxc |
- OpenOffice Calc |
• sxi |
- OpenOffice Impress |
• sdw / stw |
- StarWriter |
• wpd / wp |
- WordPerfect |
• rtf |
- Rich Text Format |
• pdf |
- Adobe Portable Document |
• dif |
- Data Interchange Format |
• csv |
- Comma Seperated Values |
• eps |
- Embedded Postscript |
• au / snd |
- Audio Unit |
• mp2 |
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer 2 |
• mp3 |
- MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 |
• mpc |
- Musepack |
• ra |
- RealAudio |
• rmi |
• wav |
- Windows Audio |
• wma |
- Windows Media Audio |
• avi |
- Audio Video Interleave |
• qt / mov |
- Quicktime |
• 3gp / 3g2 |
- 3GPP-Video |
• f4v / f4p / flv |
- Adobe Flash Player Video |
• fli / flc / flx |
- FLIC-Format (Adobe Flash) |
• mp4 |
- MPEG-4 |
• mpg / mpeg / mpe |
- MPEG-Video Layer |
• rm |
- Real-Player Video |
• swf |
- ShockWaveFlash |
• Parallel working
An innovative user interface
enables you to work simultaneously without irritating pop-ups or new browser
windows. At Conkret you can write, edit, read, relocate, send etc. e-mails
all at the same time. What modern browsers realize as tabbed browsing the
Conkret interface realizes in itself. Switch between the individual menu
items without waiting time and without data loss. See how your mails are
sent in the background, i.e. while you are sending a relatively large mail,
you may be writing and sending the next one or reading your new mails.
• No Advertising
Conkret Web@Mail is and
will remain free of advertising and therefore very clear.
Only in our free service there are tips concerning our own interests.
Furthermore the total lack of advertising is an important aspect of data
protection, as no data is given to third parties – advertising is particularly
interested in user profiles.
• Simple Login
Automatized login with
your e-mail address (or one of your e-mail addresses) and your password.
• Message Push
Your mails are retrieved
automatically every five minutes and the inbox actualized. Thus you get
your new mails immediately. The session is also automatically actualized,
so you can use Conkret similar to a local mail client.
• Mail size up to 100 MB
Forget the restrictions
of other Webmail providers. The maximum mail size of incoming or outgoing
mails is 100 MB. The number of messages
and the size of your mailbox is not limited by Conkret, but depends on the
restrictions of your provider.
• Complete support of HTML mails
Contrary to many Webmail
providers you cannot only read HTML-designed mails, but you can send HTML-mails
which can be read by all recipients, as your outgoing mails always automatically
contain a pure text part without formatting. Thus your mails are displayed
correctly even by older mail clients or clients that do not allow to show
HTML mails (which is often the case at work places).
• RFC compliant mail presentation
Conkret complies the established
rules (RFCs) for presenting mails.
Your emails are always displayed in original and unabbreviated.
Beside the presentation in the original format Conkret is able to show all
mails as plain text free of all formatting.
• Support of international character encoding
All international character
encodings are supported by Conkret. The integrated text editor provides
a universal keyboard for this purpose. The internationalization of outgoing
mails is effected automatically for al non-West-European languages in modern
Unicode (UFT-8) supported by all up-to-date computer systems.
• Synchronous with your local e-mail client using IMAP
When using IMAP, the modern
standard for e-mail, the contents of your inbox and outbox in your local
mail client are identical with those of our Web-Mail Client. Using POP3
you work in real time with your mails. With the respective configuration
of your local mail client you have access not only to new but also older
mails of your inbox. Tips for configuration of your mail client are in our
• Provider compatibility
Web@Mail by Conkret is
fully compatible with nearly all providers e.g.:
AOL, 1und1, Compuserve, ePlus, Ginko, GMX, Hotmail-Plus, Strato, Telebel,
T-Online, Versatel, Vodafone,
But most other providers are also supported directly by Conkret.
Freemail providers are, however, drastically reducing their free-of-charge
offers, so that Conkret works with restrictions in these cases. These restrictions
do not apply to the chargeable services of these providers.
• Spam and virus protection
Incoming spam is marked
in addition to a local spam filter of your provider and can be deleted directly
if desired.
• Mailing lists
Conkret supports mailing
lists according to RFC 2369. You can send answers to a list directly, subscribe
to a list or unsubscribe from it.
• Data protection
For the protection of
your privacy Conkret blocks data like pictures externally linked to mails.
Conkret does not create any user profiles to use for advertising purposes.
There is no automatic, half-automatic or manual filtering or evaluation
of your mails for advertising purposes as is customary at other mail providers
(e.g. automized at Google Mail, Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail).
Conkret does not pass on any data to third parties!
You will find more informations about data protection in our privacy statement.
• Flexible interface
We adapt to your ideas
and habits, not the other way round.
The user interface is designed so that you can use the full features even
if your monitor has only a low resolution. You can use Conkret in a window
or the whole screen. Open your mails in a new window or as usual in the
same window. The new interface of Conkret adapts flexibly to your browser
window if possible.
Here you can sign up for one of our tariffs.

Mobile Mail for All !
Conkret is now available for use with smartphones and mobile handsets. Use all the features of your mailboxes mobile and independent from the manufacturer.
Devices with the following operating systems are supported:
Tariff change
You want to change to a higher fare,
include additional mailboxes or storage space?